30 juni, Utrecht: bijeenkomst over de Parijse Commune

Op 30 juni organiseert Kritische Studenten Utrecht/Basta een bijeenkomst over de Parijse Commune en de lessen die daar vandaag de dag uit te trekken zijn voor verzet van onderop. Sprekers tijdens de bijeenkomst: Jerome Roos, redacteur van ROAR Magazine, en Dennis Bos, wetenschapper en auteur van het boek “Bloed en barricaden”.
Donderdag 30 juni
Vanaf 19:30 uur
Kargadoor Oudegracht 36
Uit de oproeptekst: “In 1871 the Communards of Paris called for nothing short of real democracy and freedom. The city fell into the hands of its citizens who organized their lives and their resistance in voluntary associations. In this Basta! we treat the Paris Commune as part of the historical legacy of the left, a piece of collective memory that continues to inspire insurrections and self-government around the world. The Paris Commune is more than a mere exercise of political imaginary. What is the legacy of the Commune? How can its teachings be applied to today’s struggles? What are the connections between the Paris Commune and today’s Paris that is experiencing a new generation of protests against the labor reforms? What lessons can we still apply? Join us for an inspiring discussion about the durable demands of the Paris Commune, its vision and its legacy. This is the first of a series of events celebrating and commemorating the Paris Commune, a co-presentation by Kritische Studenten Utrecht and Casco.”
Harry Westerink