Nieuwe Labour-leider Corbyn stemt ook ‘gewoon’ voor dwangarbeid
Almost every new member of Corbyn’s cabinet, including Corbyn himself, voted in favour of the above motion to force unemployed people into temporary jobs – which involve ten hours a week unpaid work – or face benefit sanctions (…) These compulsory jobs would be set at the minimum wage and last six months with no guarantee of a real job at the end. Instead unemployed people would then be expected to “pursue intensive job search” for six months. Appallingly, whilst these jobs would be full time, those forced to join the scheme would only be paid for 25 hours a week – meaning they would be expected to work for ten hours for free. Labour said that these extra ten hours would be reserved for training, provided by the employer. Employers like Poundland. They must think we’re fucking idiots (…) Compulsory jobs, that involve 260 hours of work for no wages, are workfare. Jeremy Corbyn has said he opposes both workfare, and benefit sanctions. Yet here he was, with all his so-called lefty chums, voting for both. Not one Labour MP spoke up in the debate about the impact of removing benefits from those who chose not to, or were unable to take up a compulsory job. Workfare is now so embedded within both main political parties that it no longer even occurs to them to ask what if these sanction backed schemes destroy more lives than they ‘help’.
The Void in The Forced Labour Party: The Day That Corbyn (And Half His Cabinet) Voted For Workfare (Thevoid)