2-4 oktober, Amsterdam: feministisch festival F-Word met workshops van Redmond, MVVN en Wij Zijn Hier


Van 2 tot en met 4 oktober vindt in Amsterdam het feministische festival F-Word plaats. Naast culturele activiteiten bestaat het programma ook uit workshops en debatten. Zo gaat het Redmond-collectief een workshop geven over intersectionaliteit en anarchisme in de beweging tegen migratiebeheersing, in de studentenbeweging en in de kraakbeweging. En de Marokkaanse Vrouwen Vereniging Nederland (MVVN) geeft een workshop over de vraag hoe het staat met de rechten van alle in Nederland levende vrouwen. Verder geven vrouwen van de vluchtelingenzelforganisatie Wij Zijn Hier een presentatie over hun strijd voor onderdak en verblijfsrecht.

Van 2 oktober, 20:00 uur,
tot 4 oktober, 19:00 uur.
Amstelveenseweg 134, Amsterdam
Eerste Schinkelstraat 14-16, Amsterdam

Uit de oproep: “Do you feel pressured to be ‘feminine’ or ‘masculine’? Do you or your friends get harassed on the street for wearing a short skirt? Are you sick of being judged by what’s between your legs rather than what’s in your head? Not sure how to respond to the sexist comments you hear around you? If you feel like we still have a long way to go before all genders are equal – strike back with the F-word! Feminism is back! And we are celebrating it this October in Amsterdam with the Fantastic Feminist Festival: The F-Word fest. Packed with workshops and discussions on equality, feminism, anti-sexism, queer and gender politics. There will also be a comics exhibition by feminist artists and two partys with live bands and DJs. We want to create a welcoming atmosphere for all, regardless of gender, race, age, ability, sexuality or the amount of feminist scene points! We hope the festival will act as a catalyst for people to get more involved with feminist issues. It´s a great place to meet people, get involved, have fun and fill your brain with new ideas. Come to enjoy a panel discussion on feminist activism, follow a workshop on live sound engineering, see the comics exhibition or simply have a drink and explore! The F-Word has something for everyone!

The F-Word aims to be a safer space for everyone. This basically means we´re trying to create an environment that encourages open-mindedness, respect, a willingness to learn from others, as well as physical and mental safety. Racist, ageist, sexist, heterosexist, transphobic, ablebodiest, classist, sizist, or any other oppressive behavior or language is not going to be tolerated.”

Harry Westerink