Categorie: Nieuws elders

Nieuws elders

Beeld van Canadese koloniale racist John A. Macdonald met verf besmeurd (video)

Earlier this morning, a group of unnamed anti-colonial vandals targeted the John A. Macdonald Monument in Montreal. The statue, at Place du Canada, was sprayed with red paint. The area around the statue was also postered with an explanatory text. “We claim this action in support of the recent removal of the John A. Macdonald statue in Victoria (BC), and

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Alledaags racisme in België

Het racisme in Vlaanderen zit hem in de kleine én grote dingen, en is Het zit hem in “neger”/”blanken”, in “hoe was het daar in Congo?” tegen alle zwarte mensen, in “je bent mooi voor een zwart meisje”, in “wat spreek je toch al goed Nederlands”, in festivals waar je niet naartoe durft te gaan zonder een leger witte

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Kritische bordjes bij Vlaamse koloniale beelden gaan niet ver genoeg

“Teneinde winst te kunnen maken met rubber en ivoor worden geweld en uitbuiting niet geschuwd. Historici noteren een ontelbaar grote terugval van het Congolese bevolkingsaantal.” Wie sinds deze week voorbij het standbeeld van Leopold II in het Antwerpse district Ekeren wandelt, krijgt op een plaatje informatie over de bloedige rol die de voormalige Belgische koning speelde als kolonisator van Congo

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De eisen van de Amerikaanse gevangenen die in staking gaan

Rebels incarcerated in prisons across the nation declare a nationwide strike in response to the riot in Lee Correctional Institution, a maximum security prison in South Carolina. Seven comrades lost their lives when prison officials turned their backs on a riot they provoked. We are demanding humane living conditions, access to rehabilitation, sentencing reform and the end of modern day

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Morgen begint een grote gevangenenstaking in de VS

America’s prisoners are going on strike. The demonstrations are planned to take place from August 21 to September 9, which marks the anniversary of the bloody uprising at the Attica Correctional Facility in New York. During this time, inmates across the US plan to refuse to work and, in some cases, refuse to eat to draw attention to poor prison

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Deze maand is het precies 500 jaar geleden dat de directe transatlantische slavenhandel begon

Almost completely ignored by the modern world, this month marks the 500th anniversary of one of history’s most tragic and significant events – the birth of the Africa to America transatlantic slave trade. New discoveries are now revealing the details of the trade’s first horrific voyages. Exactly five centuries ago – on 18 August 1518 (28 August 1518, if they

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Dutch Memorial Day: Erasing people after death

Here’s why the Netherlands cannot recognize Indonesia’s 1945 independence: if the Netherlands recognized that date, that would mean that the country had attacked a sovereign nation after World War II with the purpose of recolonizing it. And then the massacres, euphemistically referred to in the Netherlands as the “police actions”, would not be “police actions” but war crimes, as explained

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Amerikaanse expositie over Nederlandse scheepvaart in de ‘Gouden Eeuw’ vermijdt slavernij

What audiences really need is some gentle prod to consider how the works on view tug at the heartstrings of whiteness. Marine paintings are particularly bound up with fantasies of power and dominance that are fundamental to the European and Western sense of self. The wooden sailing ship on a stormy sea heroicizes the idea of empire, stressing the virtues

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Think Confederate monuments are racist? Consider pioneer monuments

In the past few years, cities such as New Orleans, Louisiana and Baltimore, Maryland have chosen to remove their Confederate statues. Activists tore down a Confederate soldier statue in Durham, North Carolina last year. By contrast, there has been far less attention on the roughly 200 pioneer monuments erected for similar reasons around the same time. The earliest pioneer monuments

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