Categorie: Soort bijdrage

Soort bijdrage

My Thoughts on the Ruling

The reason why I am against Zwarte Piet is not because it causes me pain, or negatively affects my self-esteem, I am against it because the figure of Zwarte Piet is, in fact, dehumanizing; it contests insidiously the humanity of Black folk. The court’s elaborate process to determine whether Zwarte Piet negatively affects Black folk, as well as its use

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Invoering dwangarbeid in Ierland roept meteen verzet op

Ireland’s government has ignored the vast evidence of the welfare to work industry’s failure in the UK, and instead are on a path to repeat the same mistakes. We know, for example, that a harsher system of sanctions creates destitution and hunger. We know that forced, unpaid work placements lead not to more jobs but to more misery. We know

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Over de opkomst van Wilders’ vrienden van het Front National

Apparently it’s not the poorest Franco-French workers, unemployed or not, who vote most for the National Front but those who have a job, a small technical diploma (like the CAP – two years – or the “baccalauréat professionnel” – three years) obtained in a vocational school, who live far away from the poorest suburbs but fear losing their social status.

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Noisejob: De grens overgaan

Onlangs deed Doorbraak-columniste Lili Irani met de onderstaande inzending mee aan een columnwedstrijd van de gratis krant Metro. Ze behoorde helaas niet tot de winnaars. Toen ik nog een kind was en opgroeide in Teheran, de hoofdstad van Iran, kwam God altijd aardig op me over. Als ik een wens had, dan vroeg ik God om die te vervullen. Maar

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Ook in de VS is de afschaffing van dwangarbeid begonnen

By 1998, nearly 40,000 New Yorkers were assigned to WEP, cleaning parks, streets, city office buildings, sanitation garages, and doing a wide range of clerical tasks… Getting rid of WEP does not mean stopping helping poor people enter the labor market. It means starting to do so, without exploiting welfare recipients and without displacing existing paid workers with unpaid labor.

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Vijf redenen waarom dwangarbeid in Groot-Brittannië langzaam ten onder gaat

What is broadly termed ‘workfare” has been in existence in some form or other since at least the mid-80s, but in its current form – six complementary work schemes – it can be understood as a key element of the restructuring of capital, with a specific role in disciplining and punishing the “reserve army of labour”, i.e. the unemployed. The

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Strijd van de Marokkaanse “20 februari”-beweging gaat door

Most of the current arrestees are very young, between 19-25. They are less burdened by the paralysing fear that silenced a previous generation. The old-style repression that demobilized two generations under Hassan II and nearly another one under Mohammed VI began to fade. With the massive protests in 2011, the genie flew out of the bottle. This is a different

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Britse rechter: dwangarbeid gaat in tegen mensenrechten van werklozen

“This case is another massive blow to this government’s flawed and tawdry attempts to make poor people on benefits work for companies, who already make massive profits, for free”. So said Public Interest Lawyers yesterday after the High Court ruled that the government’s emergency retrospective legislation, introduced in 2013 – so as to apply thousands of unlawful sanctions to claimants

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Veertig vluchtelingen omsingeld op dak Berlijnse school

For eight days, a small group of about forty refugees from different but mostly African countries have been occupying the roof of a vacant school building in Berlin’s Kreuzberg neighborhood. The former Gerhart Hauptmann School on Ohlauer Strasse had been home to more than two hundred people since October last year, ever since a nationwide wave of refugee protests culminated

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Haagse wethouder laat zich door dwangarbeiders bedienen bij zijn afscheidsreceptie

De afscheidsreceptie van de Haagse wethouder Henk Kool was er ook op gericht om werklozen aan een baan te helpen. Tijdens de bijeenkomst werden de hapjes en drankjes geserveerd door mensen zonder baan. Dit in de hoop hen te koppelen aan de vele aanwezige werkgevers. “We proberen op die manier van dit afscheidsfeestje een soort reïntegratiebureau te maken”, aldus de

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