Categorie: Internationaal


The radicalism of Black Lives Matter

This defiant Black-led youth movement is the first of its kind since the Black freedom struggle of the 1960s. It’s important, however, to see it not only within the history of Black struggle, but within the history — and future — of the Left. Many may associate the U.S. Left and socialist traditions with white male leadership, a focus on

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Britse regering geeft namen 500 bedrijven die van dwangarbeid profiteren

The names of hundreds of major companies and leading British charities who used a benefits scheme to employ people without paying them have been revealed after the government lost a four-year legal battle to protect their identities. Well-known high street firms were among more than 500 organisations who used the free labour of welfare claimants, after they were forced to

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Successtrategie in Groot-Brittannië: buren tegen razzia’s

Monday 26 July, early afternoon, a blue-and-yellow-striped Immigration Enforcement “racist van” is spotted parked up on Old Montague Street, off the Whitechapel end of Brick Lane. Two uniformed Home Office officers are sitting in the front. An alert goes round, a few people arrive on the scene and go looking for any signs of a raid in the shops nearby.

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Solidariteit met de Horgoš-hongerstaking

As it happened many times before in the history of the self-organized migrant struggle we are witnessing another hunger strike, this time at one of the most militarized borderzones in Europe: the serbian-hungarian border. After the march from Belgrade to Horgos about 140 person went on hunger strike, as they see no other way how to protest against the imperialist

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#BlackLivesMatter France: the death of Adama Traoré

According to the police, Traoré died of a heart attack. This version of events, however, does not match that of his brother, who claims he saw Traoré getting beat up by police officers before being taken away. Traoré’s mother and friends were interviewed by several media outlets in which they insisted that he was a healthy young man with no

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Oproep aan NIDA en DENK

Turkse Nederlanders die actie voeren en demonstreren over ingrijpende gebeurtenissen in Turkije. Ik heb de afgelopen dagen veel reacties gezien en gehoord van mensen die vinden dat dat eigenlijk niet kan. Het zou betekenen dat de ‘nederturken’ niet voldoende geïntegreerd zijn. Dat vind ik een onzinnige redenering. Zelf vind ik dat vooral een redenering die past bij het volstrekt verkeerde

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Turkije: na de mislukte coup volgt een verdere beperking van de democratie

Protest op de Rotterdamse Erasmusbrug zaterdag: protesteren tegen de coup en voor democratie met het fascistische Grijze Wolven-gebaar?

De couppoging van een groep militairen laat zien dat de al enige tijd woedende machtsstrijd binnen de Turkse staat nog volop aan de gang is. Het mislukken van de staatsgreep wordt door aanhangers van de regerende AKP gevierd als een overwinning van de democratie. Wat een schijnvertoning. Welke democratie? President Recep Erdoğan riep meteen na de couppoging dat Fethullah Gülen

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Spring 2016: an unexpected movement

A call for more protests.

French social climate warms up From the beginning of the year, following the announcement of the labor code reform (“El-Khomri law” or “labor law”), presented to the Council of Ministers on March 9, several demonstrations have been called by the unions. If the CFDT (1) (followed by the CFTC, UNSA and CFE-CGC – the last union modifying its position later) was

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