Categorie: Internationaal


Een “Kristallnacht 2015” in Turkije!

Verontrustende gecoördineerde aanvallen en lynchpartijen door menigtes tegen Koerden in West-Turkije. Honderden Koerdische burgers in West-Turkije zijn gewond en een aantal overleden. Politie heeft meegewerkt aan de aanvallen op Koerdische burgers en op hun bezittingen (winkels en huizen). De Turkse president Erdoğan en de AKP hebben fascistische, (ultra-)nationalistische en racistische groepen aangezet tot protesten wat de aanloop is geweest tot

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Gisteren werd de Kristallnacht van 1955 tegen Griekse Turken herdacht

A belated commemoration — 60 years late, in fact — was held on September 6 at Istanbul’s Panagia Greek Orthodox Church. It was in memory of the victims of the 1955 pogrom targeting the Polites, short for Konstantinoupolites, namely the Greeks of Istanbul. This was the first divine liturgy-cum-memorial service ever to remember what’s known in Turkey as “the events

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Interviewer moest weer zeiken over MH17-tweet van Quinsy

Natuurlijk moet er in het interview ook gezeken worden over de beruchte tweet van Gario na de ramp met de MH17. Hier op Frontaal Naakt beginnen reageerders er ook altijd over als Gario ter sprake komt. Dag-in, dag-uit wordt er opgeroepen moslims te vernietigen, vluchtelingen te verbranden, Gaza te nuken, Iran te nuken, de hele islamitische wereld te nuken, mensen

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Vluchtelingen Calais blokkeren rijksweg bij bezoek Britse minister

People from the jungle were continuing to try to come and join the demonstration. A group were walking in the road with a banner from the jungle before being stopped by a van of Gendarmerie Mobile. They were told that they were holding an illegal demonstration and were prevented from continuing. For the next hour there was a stand-off with

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Weer vluchtelingen-tentenkamp in Marokko vernietigd, dit keer in Oujda

The Moroccan authorities continue their campaign of repression against migrant communities in Northern Morocco, by destroying their infrastructure and deporting them in large numbers. The “Fac” in Oujda (a city close to the Algerian border), an occupied part of the Mohamed I university, has served as a place of shelter for migrants for several years. Although the tent town was

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Global Working Class (long read)

Often, we only realise in hindsight if and when a qualitative shift took place. In 2004 the first “global traffic jam” was reported. The strikes in the Chinese Pearl River delta in 2004 at the peak of the boom marked the first big cycle of struggles in the “new factories”. Through offensive struggles they gained significant wage increases and had

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#WEcan: dwangarbeid-promotiecampagne Brits ministerie bedolven onder kritiek

Once again the DWP have been reduced to a laughing stock on social media after their online campaign to promote unpaid work became dominated with comments from those opposed to workfare. The #WEcan campaign aimed to enourage employers to provide unpaid work experience placements for young people. The DWP had also hoped that young people would post up ‘workies’ –

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De NRC en het racisme­debat

Het debat is dus ernstig omdat de kernwaarden van de Amerikaanse samenleving op het spel staan. Het gaat hier dus om een ideeënstrijd, een dispuut over de ziel van het land. De neo-con David Brooks verdedigt de Amerikaanse droom. En de beschuldiging van Brooks aan het adres van Ta-Nehisi Coates, is niet zozeer dat hij de droom verwerpt als “onzinnig”

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Luisteren: Janelle Monáe brengt ijzersterke #BlackLivesMatter protestsong uit

A day after debuting the track at a Black Lives Matter march in Philadelphia, Janelle Monae has released a searing new protest anthem called “Hell You Talmbout,” which involves Monae and the rest of her Wondaland Records slate chanting the names of African American victims of police violence. Here’s what Monae had to say about the song on Instagram: “This

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