Categorie: English

Translations into English

The struggle against compulsory labor in Leiden

A forced laborer in action at the opening of the DZB.

The city council of Leiden has introduced compulsory labor for unemployment benefit claimants. Doorbraak is campaigning against this policy. A chronology. The original text in Dutch(january 4th, 2012) Ce texte en Français September 8th 2010. A review of the struggle against compulsory labor in Leiden should actually start in Amsterdam. There the Steuncomité Sociale Strijd (SSS – Support committee Social

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PVV: Antisocial and Neoliberal

Geert Wilders’ Partij van de Vrijheid (PVV)(1) is rightly attacked for its racist and nationalist position, as these are their most prominent ideas. On the social-economical landscape these right wing populists stand for a mix of neo-liberal and conservative attitudes, mainly in the interest of the middle class and businesses. A look into the thoughts and actions of the PVV.

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PVV, who votes for them?

To succesfully challenge Geert Wilders’ Partij van de Vrijheid (PVV)(1) it is important to have a good understanding of the followers of the party. Not only the “autochtonen”(2) from the badly educated lower classes, but also the well educated entrepeneurs and academics. The following of the PVV is much more diverse than suggested. The original text in Dutch(June 10th, 2009)

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