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Translations into English

Mila at the Queer Pride March: “Queer culture must be inclusive” (video)

Yesterday some 500 people joined the strong and lively Queer Pride March in Leiden. The protest began with three speeches. Here’s the one by Mila, who demanded that all queer spaces and queer culture must be made inclusive. I’m here. I’m queer. I’m disabled. I’m here as a disabled transgender lesbian. This should not be extraordinary. After all, queer people

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Speech at the Queer Pride March: “Suddenly I was gay and brown” (video)

Today some 500 people joined the strong and lively Queer Pride March in Leiden. The protest began with three speeches. Here’s the one by David, about “the struggle of being a certain race that isn’t white”. Hi everyone, my name is David. It’s my first time speaking publicly today. I’m feeling slightly nervous but also really excited to finally be

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Massoud Hossaini: ”If you forget Afghanistan, you have to expect another 9/11” (video)

Last Saturday some 150 to 200 people joined the protest “Freedom for Afghanistan! Right to stay for Afghan refugees!” in Rotterdam. They listened to, amongst others, photo journalist and activist Massoud Hossaini, who talked about Operation Enduring Freedom and what that brought to Afghanistan and now the world. Twenty years after the Enduring Freedom Operation, conducted by the US and

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Statement Rotterdam Rainbow Coalition

The Rotterdam Rainbow Coalition released this statement this morning. This spring, on May 22, the Coalition organized the protest “respect our existence or expect resistance: no LGBTQIA+ hatred in our city!” ahead of the Eurovision Song Contest. Doorbraak is also part of the coalition. Last weekend the building of COC Rotterdam was struck by anti lgbtqia+ vandalism. In August something

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25 September, Leiden: Queer Pride March

Pride began as a protest. It was about keeping your community safe and empowering folks. There hasn’t been any such protest in Leiden for 40 years. It’s our duty to bring critical pride back to Leiden. Not just to celebrate our community, the people, and events who brought us together, but to shine a light on queer power, intersectionality, and

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Conspiracy Culture

Are conspiracy theories per se wrong? Should we fight them? In this piece, I would like to propose that we should take a differentiated position – one that avoids framing conspiracy culture as a matter of either belief or disbelief. Instead, we should distinguish between (a) conspiracy mythologies, (b) conspiracy theories based on at least partial evidence, and (c) proven

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How housing corporations fail the new underclass

Alongside about twenty people participated in a local protest against the eviction of the young precarious worker Pepijn by the Rotterdam housing corporation Havensteder. Pepijn’s case is exemplary of the precarization of housing after more than a decade of (the neoliberal Dutch) VVD government. Like many people today, Pepijn could only get a rental apartment through a temporary lease, in

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Podcasts – Compelling interviews and engaging projects on mutual aid

For this first installment in a series of podcast discussions, we, Petra and Ronja, listened to podcasts that center around or include the theme of mutual aid. Mutual aid is a form of cooperation, and an inspiration for social movements. Mutual aid is definitely not charity. Liz explains this succinctly in the podcast “Rebel Steps“, which we listened to first.

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Landlords steal your income

Okay, let me tell y’all why landlording is the biggest scam there is and why landlords shouldn’t exist (or in an extremely limited capacity). First what is a landlord? A landlord is someone who privately owns land, real estate/housing for profit. So in other words, they only own the property to lease it to others for the sole purpose of

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Leiden: spray chalk and bloody hands for Shell collaborators

Last Tuesday was Shell’s annual shareholder meeting. Throughout the Netherlands and beyond people took action against the oil giant. The action group “Shell Must Fall” called for people everywhere to organise these actions, and demands the major polluter to be dismantled by any legal, economic and political means necessary. In Leiden on Tuesday night some people spray chalked slogans and

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