Categorie: Translations

Translations of articles

Hollanda istihbaratı: Cihatçılarla mücadeleye öncelik verilmiyor


Hollanda istihbarat servisinin hazırladığı Suriye raporunda Türkiye’nin cihatçı gruplarla mücadeleye öncelik vermediği ifade edildi Hollanda’nın istihbarat servislerinden Genel Istihbarat ve Güvenlik Teşkilatı (AIVD) önceki gün yayımladığı Suriye’nin Mirası adlı raporunda Türkiye hakkında dikkat çekici ifadelere yer verdi. Teşkilat, IŞİD’in ve El Kaide’nin Suriye ve Irak’ta aldıkları ağır darbelere rağmen hâlâ kesin yenilgiye uğratılmadıklarını; yeni bir mücadele dönemine hazırlandıklarını ifade etti.

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Symposium criticized because it only pays attention to the perspective of the colonial occupiers of Indonesia


Today Francisca Pattipilohy and Jeffry Pondaag sent an open letter to the Dialoog Nederland-Japan-Indonesië (NJI) foundation, in response to a symposium organized by NJI that will take place on October 6 in The Hague. The letter is supported by others, including Doorbraak. According to Pattipilohy and Pondaag the NJI thinks exclusively from the perspective of the former occupiers of Indonesia

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NTR children’s tv will still be racist!

Zwarte Piet is racisme

In 2016 Doorbraak activist Jennifer van Leijen initiated a campaign to stop the Dutch government from subsidizing blackface (Zwarte Piet or Black Pete) on children’s television. More than 12.000 people already signed. Van Leijen regularly writes updates. Here is number 20 (also read numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6/7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,

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Prime minister Rutte, the Seventh Day Adventists and others concerning blackface racism

Zwarte Piet is racisme

In 2016 Doorbraak activist Jennifer van Leijen initiated a campaign to stop the Dutch government from subsidizing blackface (Zwarte Piet or Black Pete) on children’s television. More than 12.000 people already signed. Van Leijen regularly writes updates. Here is number 19 (also read numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6/7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17

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Sevcan Orhan, Hollanda solunun açık mektubu üzerine konserini iptal etti

Sevcan Orhan

MHP’nin Hollanda örgütlenmesi Hollanda Türk Federasyonu (HTF) 6 Ekim tarihinde Amterdam’da Türk Kültür Festivalı adı altında düzenleyeceği Türk Kültür Festivali’ne katılacak olan Sevcan Orhan’a, çok sayıda dernek açık mektup yazarak “festivale katılma” çağrısında bulundu. Çağrı üzerine Sevcan Orhan da konserinin iptal edildiğini duyurdu. Orhan, “Anlaşma yapılırken içeriğine dair verilen eksik bilgiler sebebiyle tarafımca iptal edilmiştir. Beni bu konu ile ilgili

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Francisca Pattipilohy: Tidak Ada Investigasi atas Ilegalitas Pendudukan Belanda (dengan video)

Francisca Pattipilohy

Malam ini, dalam pertemuan terbuka kedua dari penelitian perang kolonial Belanda melawan Indonesia, Jeffry Pondaag angkat bicara. Bersama dengan Francisca Pattipilohy, dia adalah inisiator surat terbuka dengan daftar panjang keberatan atas penelitian “Dekolonisasi, kekerasan dan perang di Indonesia 1945-1950”. Dalam pidatonya, Pondaag juga menampilkan pesan video dari ibu Pattipilohy. Dibawah kami masukkan juga text dari pesan beliau berikut videonya. In

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Occupy Oakland

In 2011 and the ensuing years, the world witnessed a global wave of assembly movements such as Occupy Wall Street, the Spanish Indignados, the Turkish Gezi Park protests and Nuit Debout in France. What distinguished these various movements is that they often did not seek to acquire state power, and in many cases refused to even engage with the existing

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Social Impact Bonds: disciplinary system against people at the bottom of society

Cover of an ABN AMRO brochure

Are you jobless, on the dole, a drop-out, homeless, a refugee, seriously ill, a debtor or an ex-offender? If so, there is a good change that, during your debt assistance, integration or reintegration project, you will have to work for a bank, such as the Rabobank, a health ensurer such as CZ, or a subsidy fund, such as Oranje Fonds.

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European Parliament considers complaint about Dutch governments subsidy of racist television aimed at schoolchildren admissible

In 2016 Doorbraak activist Jennifer van Leijen initiated a campaign to stop the Dutch government from subsidizing blackface (Zwarte Piet or Black Pete) on children’s television. More than 12.000 people already signed. Van Leijen regularly writes updates. Here is number 18 (also read numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6/7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and

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Housing justice groups will participate in May Day-demonstration in The Hague


On May 1, International Workers’ Day or May Day, the Dutch trade union FNV will organize a national demonstration in The Hague (2:00 pm at Malieveld). Together with Bond Precaire Woonvormen (BPW), Doorbraak is planning a radical block within this demonstration, focussing on unemployed, flexworkers and flex tenants. This article is based off interviews with Abel of BPW and Aindriu

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