Categorie: Translations

Translations of articles

May 1, Amsterdam: jobless and flex workers block at the May 1 demonstration of FNV

The pamphlet (bigger version below).

Doorbraak has taken the initiative to form a block of jobless and flex workers during the May 1 demonstration of the trade union FNV. The May 1 celebration of the trade union is all about “real jobs”. With this separate block, we want to make it clear that there are also “real” jobless and flex workers who organize themselves and

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Desintox: malheureusement les électeurs néerlandais n’ont PAS rejeté Geert Wilders


C’est ridicule. Avaaz fait circuler une pétition pour remercier le “peuple néerlandais” (quel que soit le sens de ce mot) pour “avoir choisi l’espoir, l’unité et le dialogue contre la haine, la peur et la vieille rhétorique fasciste”. Ils prétendent même que “en rejetant Geert Wilders, vous avez contribué à arrêter partout l’ascension de l’extrême droite”. Plus généralement, la couverture

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Dutch voters did NOT reject Geert Wilders


This is ridiculous. Avaaz is circulating a petition to thank the “Dutch people” (whoever that may be) for “choosing hope, unity, and dialogue over hate, fear and old fascist rhetoric”. They even claim that, “by rejecting Geert Wilders you’ve helped stop the rise of the far right everywhere”. More generally, the coverage of these elections in the international press has

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Rutte et Erdoğan: que la peste frappe vos deux maisons!

Tomorrow Rutte and Wilders will be facing each other in a one-on-one televised debate.

Un ministre turc s’est vu refuser l’entrée dans le pays; une autre ministre a été de facto détenue pendant des heures par une escouade antiterroriste de la police néerlandaise, empêchée d’entrer au consulat turc à Rotterdam et finalement expulsée du pays; le gouvernement d’Erdoğan a menacé d’adopter de “sévères mesures de rétorsion”; et finalement, des émeutes massives ont opposé des

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Rutte and Erdoğan: may a plague strike both your houses!

Tomorrow Rutte and Wilders will be facing each other in a one-on-one televised debate.

A Turkish minister was refused entrance to the country; another minister was de facto detained for hours by an anti-terrorism squad of the Dutch police, prevented from entering the Turkish consulate in Rotterdam, and eventually kicked out of the country; Erdoğan’s government has threatened with “severe retaliations”; and eventually, massive riots emerged between Dutch-Turkish Erdoğan-supporters and the police. In short,

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Protest in Utrecht against a blackface children’s show

Zwarte Piet is racisme

Doorbraak activist Jennifer van Leijen recently initiated a campaign to stop the Dutch government from subsidizing blackface (Zwarte Piet or Black Pete) on children’s television. Thousand people already signed. Van Leijen regularly writes updates. Here’s a new one. (You can also still read the first, second and third update.) A protest will take place this Saturday in Utrecht, against a

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Third update on the campaign against the Dutch government subsidizing blackface on children’s television

Zwarte Piet is racisme

Doorbraak activist Jennifer van Leijen recently initiated a campaign to stop the Dutch government from subsidizing blackface (Zwarte Piet or Black Pete) on children’s television. Thousand people already signed. Van Leijen regularly writes updates. Here’s the third batch. (You can also still read the first and second ones.) RTL is a commercial television station that recently decided to change Zwarte

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Second update on the campaign against the Dutch government subsidizing blackface on children’s television

Zwarte Piet is racisme

Doorbraak activst Jennifer van Leijen recently initiated a campaign to stop the Dutch government from subsidizing blackface (Zwarte Piet or Black Pete) on children’s television. Thousand people already signed. Van Leijen regularly writes updates. Here’s the second batch. (Read the first here.) We have more than a thousand signatures, from people who care. But we know from the struggle for

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Update on the campaign against the Dutch government subsidizing blackface on children’s television

Zwarte Piet is racisme

Doorbraak activst Jennifer van Leijen recently initiated a campaign to stop the Dutch government from subsidizing blackface (Zwarte Piet or Black Pete) on children’s television. Thousand people already signed. Here are some updates by Van Leijen in which she also comments the Amsterdam mayor who said he’s going to phase this racism out, instead of effectively and immediately eliminate it

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23 October, Nijmegen: meeting about anti-fascism and migrant struggles in Greece

Skya's logo.

The original text in Dutch On October 23th Doorbraak organizes a meeting in Nijmegen with the Assembly for the Circulation of Struggles (SKYA). Members of this Greek organization are active in a range of struggles against capitalism and migration control. Among others, they support the struggle of refugees, and they are actively resisting workfare. On the meeting two members of SKYA

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