Categorie: Translations

Translations of articles

La vague raciste qui frappe les Pays-Bas rencontre une certaine opposition

Les Pays-Bas connaissent en ce moment une vague de racisme, qui prend parfois des formes ouvertement violentes, lors d’actions et de mobilisations de rue, principalement contre des réfugiés et leur installation dans des centres d’accueil.(1) Des mobilisations de rue au caractère particulièrement intimidant ont eu lieu dans des villes ou des villages où des conseils municipaux devaient débattre pour savoir

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Racist tide in the Netherlands encounters opposition

The Netherlands are experiencing a wave of racist, sometimes openly violent, actions and street mobilizations, mainly against refugees and the sheltering of refugees. Street mobilizations with an intimidating character have occurred where municipal councils debate whether to establish an AZC (Asielzoekerscentrum, Asylum seekers centre) or an emergency refugee shelter in their city or town. Small scale violence against houses where

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The new unpaid work scheme supervised by the State, in other words: the squandering of voluntary work

Volunteers are vital to keep a large part of society functioning. Voluntary work is crucial in the care sector, in education, in welfare, in the cultural sector, for social, sports and games activities, and more. We as volunteers give our time and energy voluntarily to make the world a little better, to build something together, and to help others. And

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Europe’s right-wing “civil war” against refugees

As right-wing leaders whip up the hatred, it is no longer exaggerated to claim that Europe is on the verge of a low-intensity civil war against refugees. Explosives, heaps of Nazi propaganda and a substantial number of firearms are displayed on a table at the Bamberg police station. They were retrieved from the homes of several neo-Nazis in the Bavarian

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Dutch Racism: Call me a ‘Gutmensch’ in an ouroboros-culture

Only if racism belonged to a completely cooled-down part of our history, a past redeemed of all potential racist reminiscences it can contain for the present, only then could using the n-word in headline of review of Ta-Nehisi Coates’s new book be morally justified. Only in that ideal situation the NRC-reader’s revulsion could be considered as only a empathic illustration

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Film “Do not despair” shows strength and resistance of Indonesian migrants

On March 20 the Indonesian Migrant Workers Union (IMWU) for the first time showed the impressive documentary “Dispereert Niet” (“Do not despair”) about Indonesian migrant workers without a residence permit in the Netherlands. The film illustrates how difficult life in illegality is but it does not portray the migrants as “sad cases”. On the contrary, film maker Irwan Ahmett clearly

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Let Mitch Henriquez’ name be known around the world

Public opinion happily condemns systemic racism and excessive police force in other countries, but racist police violence is far from limited to the US. It is easy to denounce someone else’s racism. Few Europeans, for one, would easily overlook the pressing issue with racist police violence in the US. The average liberal newspaper goes at length to praise the #BlackLivesMatter

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Sende Gazeteci ve yapimcisi Dündar’ i destekle

Türkiye ve dünya çapinda en çok soruşturmaya ve tutuklanmaya maruz kalan ülkelerin başinda geliyor. Cumhurbaşkanı Erdogan 12 yillik Iktidari doneminde basın ve yayın kuruluslarinin büyük bir bolumu kendi güdümünde almiş durumda. Kendini eleştiren muhalefet basini baski altına alan Erdogan en son kendisi hakkında eleştirel bir makale yayınlayan “New York Times’i“, Yerini, bil, sinirini bil demeye kadar vardirdi. Baski rejiminin hedefinde

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Questions & answers about the colonial hooligan of the sea: Michiel de Ruyter

The action group Michiel the Robber in which Doorbraak also participates, recently announced a protest action against the colonialist and nationalistic content of the movie “Michiel de Ruyter”. Subsequently a fierce public debate burst out regarding this hooligan of the sea. The media and other parties are currently firing all sorts of questions at our action group. So it is

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Anti-Muslim racism and anti-Semitism in Europe (longread)

Anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim racism in the European Union: why we must get rid of the Left’s ambiguities and fight together these two evils, without capitulating in front of the (Left and Right) identitarians who want to divide us. Around 1,1 millions Jews live in the European Union and 19 million Muslims. It’s obviously very difficult to compare the situation of

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