Categorie: Translations

Translations of articles

Contre le “Workfare” et le travail forcé pour les chômeurs: campagne internationale du 25 avril au 2 mai

L’organisation britannique Boycott Workfare appelle à une semaine internationale d’action contre le travail obligatoire et les sanctions dont sont victimes les allocataires, du 25 avril au 2 mai. Le groupe néerlandais Doorbraak soutient cette initiative et appelle les travailleurs et les organisations aux Pays-Bas à se mobiliser eux aussi. Dans les deux pays plusieurs actions ont déjà été planifiées. Rejoignez-nous,

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25 April to 2 May: international week of action against workfare and sanctions. Come join us!

In het Nederlands En Français Translation: Frodo Tromp The British organisation Boycott Workfare calls for an international week of action against workfare and sanctions for people claiming benefits, from 25 April until 2 May. Doorbraak supports this initiative and also calls people and organisations in the Netherlands to take action. In both countries already several actions have been planned. Join

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Don’t confuse solidarity with empathy!

Last week some of us “were” Charlie. Or maybe we “were” Ahmet. Or wouldn’t it be better if all of us “were” Nigerians right now? In fact, last summer we “were all Palestinians”, and just a few months ago all of us “could not breathe”. This expression of commitment to the victims of violence or oppression is certainly not new

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Column: Actually, we don’t have any freedom of speech at all

Freedom of speech is an eternal source of discussion. We keep talking about it. But let’s be honest: do we actually have freedom of speech? And I don’t mean that we have the freedom to say: “I am against this government”. We also we’re not talking about the fact that “the Constitution states that…”. And we certainly don’t talk about

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Conservatives of Turkish origin for a long time felt quite at home with the social-democratic PvdA

In November 2014 two members of Parliament of Turkish origin, Tunahan Kuzu and Selcuk Öztürk, caused quite a stir in the PvdA after their party member and deputy prime minister Lodewijk Asscher announced that in the coming five years he will be investigating the Turkish religious organisations in the Netherlands. The Turkish term for such organisations is Cemaatler and they

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Column: Get lost with this tolerance of yours!

This is a poster used by the Dutch government to promote openness to other cultures: “Now that I use Tolerance I know that you can eat Surinam okra.”

Racism is showing it’s ugly face in the Netherlands. The demonstrations against the racist Black Pete caricature generated reactions that make it crystal clear. We are often told by our supporters that the days of the so very “progressive and tolerant” Netherlands are really over. Our opponents claim that “they” have been quite “tolerant” towards “the allochtons” (= people from

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Job substitution

Hunting for 'volunteers'.

Doorbraak has published a lot of articles on the issue of forced labour for benefit claimants. The emphasis has mainly been on the regime they have to work under. But equally important is the substitution of regular paid work that is the consequence of forced labour. This substitution undermines the entire system of paid labour: why should an employer pay

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Le personnage de Zwarte Piet nous fait revenir plus de 150 ans en arrière

Les acteurs ou personnages blancs grimés en Noirs relèvent d’une sinistre période. Ces figures racistes devraient avoir leur place dans une exposition consacrée au colonialisme du XIXe siècle. Parce que le domestique noir de saint Nicolas nous ramène à l’année 1850, durant laquelle l’enseignant Jan Schenkman fit naître ce personnage dans son livre “Saint Nicolas et son serviteur”. Le mouvement

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A propos du débat sur le “Zwarte Piet” néerlandais

Pierre le Noir.

Si personne ne veut – ou ne peut – être qualifié de “raciste” dans une société donnée, cela ne signifie pas pour autant que cette société serait immunisée contre le racisme. Aux Pays-Bas le débat sur Zwarte Piet (“Pierre le Noir”) a suscité beaucoup d’émotion. Une émotion bien plus grande que celle soulevée par les compressions budgétaires de plusieurs milliards

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