Categorie: Translations

Translations of articles

About the “Zionislamist invasion” of France and other dangerous nonsense

An insightful article by the French antifacist group Luftmenschen about the conflict between the “anti-Zionist” and “anti-Islamist” currents within the French Left.(1) Both create their own imaginary threats and do not fight for concrete immigrant’s and refugee’s rights anymore. This picture becomes increasingly clear everytime Israel start bombing Gaza again and solidarity demonstrations are being organized. Reaping the benefits from

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There’s no way you can sell forced labour – 19 Q&A on #workfare

Unemployed activist confronts Leiden alderman.

For some time now Doorbraak has been active in Leiden against the introduction of forced labour for benefit recipients. During discussions the advocates of the regulation try to justify it with a whole range of arguments. Here you can read how to counter the most widely used arguments. Translated into English by Jet The original text in Dutch (January 3rd,

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October 10, Amsterdam: action against workfare during meeting of minister with aldermen

Logo van het actiecomité.

The original text in Dutch On October 10, the action committee Dwangarbeid Nee (No to Workfare) will demonstrate during a regional meeting of Social Affairs aldermen from the west of the Netherlands. State secretary Jetta Klijnsma invited the aldermen to talk about the labour market. The committee Dwangarbeid Nee seizes the opportunity to demand the immediate abolishment of workfare, or

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Don’t believe comrades who tell you: “it’s now or never”

Deel van de filmposter.

Yesterday Doorbraak activist Jeroen Breekveldt delivered this talk in a cinema in Wageningen after the movie “Night moves”. A nice discussion ensued with about twenty participants. (Warning: this talk may contain spoilers) First I will introduce Doorbraak and myself. Doorbraak means “Break through”, and we want to break through barriers, especially those within the world of Left-wing groups. Doorbraak exists

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How to identify the sources of Left anti-Semitism in order to fight it

Oude antisemitische poster.

“And yes, we can oppose Israel’s foreign policy without being anti-Semitic.” (David Rachline, mayor of Fréjus, member of the proto-fascist National Front) The first painful revision we must make, if we really want to get rid of the ambiguities of current Left anti-Zionism, is to fully recognize the existence of an old anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist, anti-Semitic tradition, particularly in the Left

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Rightwing populist Wilders promotes forced labour for the jobless

Doorbraak activists regularly talk to unemployed people and forced labourers about the misery they experience every day. From time to time it emerges that they put their faith in Geert Wilders. “The PVV is the only party defending our rights against the government”, they will say. The former VVD (conservative liberal party) politician who moved further to the right indeed

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Why the Dutch Never Learned From the Nazi Holocaust

When Dutch Antilleans took an aggressive stance last year to ban the blackface tradition of a national christmas holiday, it evoked a hysterical and hostile backlash among the country’s white majority. A family holiday that appeared capable of binding a fractured and divided nation had become a politically charged battleground. Black critics of the tradition were mocked, humiliated, harassed, threatened

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Wilders’ Best Friends Forever


Hey! Your posters have really extremist and shitty citations! That’s right. We also think these are shitty and extreme Right citations, and we have printed them with a heavy heart. But the cited texts are not ours. The new European friends of Geert Wilders made these statements. And Wilders thinks all of his new friends are wonderful. Just so you

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Dutch Labour Party (PvdA) meeting in Leiden on how to “decently” impose more forced labour

The January 8 meeting of the Partij van de Arbeid (Labour Party) in Leiden on the government bill by state secretary Jetta Klijnsma showed in a nutshell the kind of inequitable, patronising and even openly derogatory behaviour that is displayed by a substantial part of the social democrats versus those who receive social benefits. Here is an analysis of an

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Resistance to racism intensifies in the Netherlands

The reality of everyday violence caused by institutionalized and historically embedded racism in the Netherlands is bringing about new forms of resistance among the country’s most marginalized, challenging the boundaries of Dutch politics and national identity. A march organized against racism on March 22 was the most public and organized expression of this new wave of discontent. “We are all

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